Ten Traits You Probably Didn’t Realize You Inherited From Your Parents

You inherited  your blue eyes from your dad and your short legs from your dad? Researchers have found that along with those genetics, you may have inherited other things came from your predecessors.

The latest genetic research has discovered other personal features you inherit from your parents…

1. High cholesterol levels

Most people believe that high cholesterol levels are attributed to what you eat. But research has found that high cholesterol levels actually can be found in our genes. About 1 in every 500 people has a special genetic mutation that leads to an accumulation of cholesterol in their blood. It doesn’t matter what your diet is if you have high levels of this substance.

2. Male pattern baldness comes from the mother

The genes that plays a role in baldness is located in the X chromosome. Men inherit it from their mothers, but there are other genes that play a role here, including ones inherited from the father. It’s also true that environmental factors also have an effect on hair loss.

3. Academic success

Research has also found that academic success is 55% dependent on your genetic inheritance. Thousands of genes are directly responsible for how well you perform in school, so if your parents had outstanding abilities during their school days, you’ve got great potential.

4. Love of coffee

If you drink a lot of coffee, your genes are entirely to blame! Scientists conducted a study of people who can’t live without coffee and those who can. The results of the non-coffee drinkers show that they had a particular set of genes and that they didn’t feel a need to drink coffee in order to get a rush of energy.

5. Maturity-onset diabetes of the young

Type 2 diabetes is usually developed by elderly people. If it does occur in children and adolescents with an active lifestyle, it’s considered maturity-onset diabetes of the young.  It’s the result of a genetic mutation.

6. Color blindness from your mother

Often, the inability to differentiate between certain colors is inherited through our genes. The gene is often inherited by sons from their mothers. It’s men who suffer from color blindness it’s due to the fact that within their genetic makeup, the defect of the single maternal X chromosome is not compensated for, while women have an “emergency” X chromosome from their fathers.

7. Lactose intolerance

Believe it or not, 65% of adults have a lowered ability to digest lactose, or milk sugar. There is one particular gene responsible for this. When a child is still very young, the body creates an enzyme for digesting lactose and he needs milk to survive. As they get older, however, their ability to absorb dairy products falls. Only a fraction of people have the gene for lactose tolerance, and they can digest milk effectively without any problems at any age.

8. The ability to drive a car

Not everyone has the innate ability to drive a car. Sure, you can pass your driving test, but if you have special genes that affect your ability to orientate yourself, the speed of your reactions, or your memory, then getting behind the wheel may not be a good idea. If you have this gene,  you are more likely to get distracted while driving. Scientists believe as much as 30% of the population carry this gene.

9. Shortsightedness

If you have shortsightedness, it is likely in inherited. If both of your parents have this problem, the chance of their child developing it is around 50%. Scientists believe that we can’t blame everything on genetics. If you spend less time sitting in front of a computer and avoid straining your eyes, you are far less likely to suffer from shortsightedness.

10. Popularity

You may not believe this, but the secret of a person’s popularity is hidden in their genes. Harvard scientists concluded, after long years of painstaking research, that those who possess valuable information about food sources, were at the center of a given social group’s attention. These people passed on their genes to their descendants. The people who inherited these genes, are likely those who are popular among their peers.

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