His Friend Avoided Paying Him The Money He Owed Him, Until He Called His Mum

This just happened. I wanted to share because frankly, it’s hilarious.

(Also, I’m 29, not 7-years-old like you might guess from reading the title.)

So back in May, I had tickets to a concert that I couldn’t attend. I posted on a local ticket exchange group, and a ‘friend’ of mine, let’s call him Tom, because his name is Tom, said he was interested. I paid $40, but me, being Mr. Nice Guy said: “Here are the tickets, I was asking $40, but you can pay me $35.” Tom says “Great thanks; I’ll pay you tomorrow.”

Great, ticket sold.

Tomorrow became next week. No worries, I know this guy, right?


I message him, He says “Oh hey sure I’ll pay you end of the week, sorry about that.”

Sure, sounds good.

A month goes by, nothing. I message him; I text him. I see he’s seeing my messages, but I don’t hear back.

“Well that’s shitty,” I say to myself.

I give it a few weeks. Shockingly, no $35!

Well then. How about some good old public shaming?

I post a very nicely worded message on his FB page.

Five minutes later, my post is deleted. No reply, no text, no messages, nothing. Well, that’s pretty shitty, eh?

I give it another day. Nothing.

Well, I have an ace up my sleeve. I didn’t want it to come to this, but I happen to know that he works at his mothers coffee shop down the street. Nice lady. The apple must have fallen down a cliff with this kid.

I call the store. “Hi, Mrs. (Tom’s mother) is Tom there? Great thanks.”

I explain the situation and ask if there is anything she can do to help me. She apologizes and says she will take care of it. As she is putting down the phone, I hear a loud “TOOMMMM?! GET OVER HERE!!” click

Ten minutes later, a notification that $50 has been transferred to my account.

Mess with the Bull; I call your mom. Sorry, Tom.

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