Loners are people who prefer having a smaller circle of friends and do not mind spending time alone. Others perceive them as individuals who are very lonely and depressed. When in actuality, these types of individuals never actually feel lonely.
They are actually fulfilled when they are in their own company. They are more in touch with themselves and do their best thinking, making them more self-aware of things. Probably the reason why they prefer to be alone.
Firm Boundaries: A loner always emphasizes healthy, strong boundaries and always realize that they’re never alone, even if they were the last person living on earth.
They always respect the boundaries of others and expect the same in return. If you cross those boundaries, they will be the first to let you know. Their belief is that if you cannot be faithful to yourself then you cannot be faithful to others.
Loyalty: A loner does not crave attention. But if you happen to become close friends with them, expect to have the most loyal friend you’ll ever have.
They know their worth, and if you are worthy of being in their life, they will give you everything whenever you need it. This goes for life, relationships, family, friends, and work.