Woman Suffers Life-Threatening Infection From Commonly Used Beauty Product

Audrey Kopp of Kentucky, was shocked when she first discovered the bump on her wrist while she was moving into a new home. She went to her doctor who prescribed antibiotics, but the bump got redder and larger. The medication didn’t do anything.

She eventually had to resort to surgery where doctors uncovered the truth behind the bump. The life-threatening infection was caused by bacteria from a hair tied she had put on her wrist. She was told that bacteria seeped into her pores and hair follicles that led to a serious infection.

Dr. Amit Gupta said Kopp had a large abscess on her wrist that he made an incision into and drained the pus.

Kopp thought the infection was caused by a spider bite or something similar. However, when the doctor concluded that the hair tie was the cause, she opted not to wear hair ties around her wrist any longer.

She said to be mindful and not put the hair ties around your wrist because it could lead to an infection. Once the infection is in the bloodstream, people can fall into a coma where the body starts shutting die and they can die.

hair tie infection

hair tie infection

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