New “Smart Condom” Being Compared To Fitbit, As It Measures Performance In Bed

The first photos of a Fitbit-style condom that measures a man’s performance in bed, have been released by a British firm.

smart condom performance tracker

British Condoms

The high-tech jimmy jacket looks like a small rubber bracelet and logs data during sex and sends it to the user’s smartphone. The creators are i.Con Smart Condom, released images of it Tuesday.

smart condom performance tracker

British Condoms

The condom is reusable and its’ one-size-fits-all band measures the number of calories burned during sex, the speed of a man’s thrusts and how long he lasts, according to lead engineer Adam Levers.

smart condom performance tracker

British Condoms

“It’s here and it’s beautiful. We wanted the i.Con to look refined, non-intrusive and lightweight – the finished article is nothing short of any of those things,” he said. “There is absolutely no hindrance to the user and that was our main goal.”

smart condom performance tracker

British Condoms

The stretchable shaft gadget is “flexible to ensure maximum comfort for all sizes,” and also detects STDs according to British Condoms, the firm behind the condom.

The band slides onto the base of the penis and is used with a normal condom for protection, however, some critics called the idea a stretch when it comes to privacy.

Twitter users dubbed it a “spy condom” and compared it to an “ankle bracelet.”

Company spokesman John Simmons, however, insisted the penis ring wouldn’t flop.

“It’s truly the next step in wearable tech and we believe we have pioneered a product that will not only bring an extra element of fun into the bedroom, but will also help indicate potential STI’s present as well as prevent condom slippage,” Simmons said.

The $74 gadget will hit the market in January 2018 and is now available for pre-order on the company website.

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