This Genius Invention From Fitwork Will Keep You Healthy While Working

Working from the comfort of your own home can be great, but it also comes with some drawbacks. For one thing: what if you spend most of your day seated in front of a computer screen?! You need good back support and exercise to stay healthy.

It’s a well-known fact that people often find themselves faced with excuses not to go all the way and work out at their local gym. Fitwork is here to break this cycle, letting you work out while working simultaneously! With its innovative design, it can be brought right into your own home or office; no longer do we need an excuse for staying fit indoors as well outdoors–Fit Work has got us covered both ways.


The best part about this treadmill desk chair is that you can keep the lower half of your body active while working, keeping everything else engaged. Whether it’s sitting down and pedaling or standing in front of one- walking on a Fitwork treadmill.


The Fitwork is a treadmill, elliptical, and standing desk all in one. You can pedal while typing emails or attend video calls from your elevated workstation. You can work standing up! Ingeniously, you just have to spin the chair out of your way and raise your desk upwards. Then all that’s left for is turning on some music with an upbeat tempo while walking/jogging on the treadmill.


Brian Oaks, an entrepreneur, and designer was motivated to create the Fitwork station after he ended up needing chiropractic adjustments and back surgery because of his inactive lifestyle. The Fitwork station is designed for entrepreneurs like himself so they can lead active lives both inside and outside of work.



The Fitwork is a combination of an adjustable desk, treadmill, and elliptical all in one. It’s smaller than most gyms but has the benefits of being able to work out at home.

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